204 Olympic Poems: Asia (first 10)
Deborah Swallow | August 1st, 2012 in : cultural diversity, East Asia, General, other interesting stuff, Russia/Asia, social practices, South Asia
To honour the spirit of the Olympics 204 poems from around
the world, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, have been collected from each of the 204 participating countries by the Scottish Poetry Library.
Here are the first ten from Asia. Enjoy
- Afghanistan: The story of my country
- Azerbaijan: The poet’s voice
- Bahrain: All of them
- Bangladesh: Mon-doria
- Bhutan: A lesson in light
- Brunei Darussalam: Brothers, your cries…
- Georgia: Circle and rectangle
- Hong Kong: Floral Apron
- India: Homecoming
- Iran: An Iranian Professor I know asked me…
The poems selected are often not by the most notable poet a country has produced. Some of them are funny or light-hearted. Often they are snapshots of lives rather than grand narratives. And some of the choices may be controversial. However, they all give a glimpse of lives in countries spanning the globe. Together these poems depict a world united not only by sport, but by emotions that are universal and need no translator other than the heart.

Tags: Asian Olympic Poeams