Deborah Swallow speaking at gala awards dinner
Deborah Swallow on Passion For The Planet Radio
Deborah Swallow on StartUP TV
Click here for ‘Adapting your business – and yourself -for international success’
Deborah Swallow on Experts Online TV
LISTEN HERE to Deborah being interviewed by Philip Crowshaw
sharing her insights into why companies so often fail
when it comes to understanding the impact of culture on business.
At the Financial Services Skills Council Conference
Women’s Inequality in the Financial Services
Alternative content
Comments from recent presentations:
“Really enjoyed Deborah’s presentation. It gave reality check around behaviours & communications within different cultural groups. It’s an interesting topic and I’d love to know more.”
“My head is buzzing with ideas!”
“I took away an immense amount of both valuable and practical information that I can relate immediately to my own business.”
“I learned seven key things which will immediately impact a better performance from my team!”
“I recognise one of my Team mates was probably suffering from Culture Shock – if only I’d known then what I know now.”
“I was blown away by the number of distinctions in our working ways!”
“Wonderful! The depth of detail and anecdotes made it truly real and I now feel better equipped!”
“Now I understand – intercultural communication is a serious issue!”
“Terrific and very insightful – I came away with effective tools and strategies to implement straight away!”
“This seminar sharpened my thinking – I now not only know the importance of effective cross-cultural communication, now I understand more why it is such an important issue!”
“Very enlightening – food for thought – easy to listen to.”
“Good speaker, great insights, lots of knowledge, well presented.”
Other Testimonials with references
Developing CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE to raise your game in international markets