Deborah provides a range of services including:
keynote speaking, professional conference speaking, seminars and in-house events, which focus on helping organisations and individuals to develop CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE to become effective communicators in international business settings. (Book Deborah)
About her topic, Deborah says:
Look at the statistics on business ventures that failed due to not considering issues of culture. The evidence is impressive. Culture accounts for more joint venture and merger & acquisition failures, or near failures, than you might think. One of the most famous is the failed merger between Daimler and Chrysler. Then consider some of the disastrous marketing attempts in overseas markets – throw in the difficulties of working with globally distributed remote teams – now you can begin to understand the importance of CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE in your organisation.”
You cannot afford to get things wrong: it is vital that business people take CULTURAL DIVERSITY into account.
About Deborah’s Speaking Ability
Deborah doesn’t just fill a Speaker slot. Her presentations help companies of all sizes move towards their goals through creative, interactive and high-content presentations designed for long-term and sustained results. Read her testimonials. She helps individuals achieve better performance through a rare combination of fact, insight and practical advice that delegates can apply immediately for improved results.
Her presentations are for people and companies who are looking for new information about their every day situations, interactions, opportunities, problems and challenges. In short – anyone attending will come away with ANSWERS and SOLUTIONS coupled with a far greater insight into cultural diversity, cross-cultural communication and international business practices. She can deliver her topics either as keynote presentations or as interactive whole- or part-day programmes.
In short, Deborah is an inspirational speaker who brings a depth of understanding and pragmatic insights to busy executives in a way that meets their needs in today’s fast-paced, globalising business arena. Her focus is to improve international business performance either through better marketing, improved people performance or enhanced intercultural communication. Her talks are brought to life with true life stories of success and failure – designed and delivered to motivate any listener to better international performance.
Click here for details of how to book Deborah
Developing CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE to raise your game in international markets