Citizenship, Diversity, Identity and Equality
Citizenship is about the empowerment of young people. It is about building
their sense of being able to influence and impact the world around them – challenging and changing the institutions that govern them. We need to ensure that all our children and young people have the knowledge and skills to embrace issues of diversity and citizenship to thrive in the community. They also need to be a positive power for good in shaping the future of a cohesive UK society in the 21st century – to make our country an even better place to live.
We aim at no less than a change in the political culture of this country… for people to think of themselves as active citizens, willing, able and equipped to have an influence in public life.” The Crick Report, 1998
Deborah’s talk: ‘Citizenship, Diversity, Identity and Equality’ provides a framework for citizenship education within the contexts of cultural diversity, showing how human rights principles challenge inequality, discrimination and exclusion. It supports young people in developing confident identities in the contexts of cultural diversity and compares British cultural social & work values with other nations.
For Head Teachers, Governors & the senior management team:
Every school should be actively engaged in nurturing in pupils the skills to participate in an active and inclusive democracy, appreciating and understanding difference. This talk shows you how and explores the issues of Citizenship in the contexts of cultural diversity to help you support the ‘Every Child Matters’ agenda. Learning about Citizenship is about learning for life; ensuring that in adulthood pupils will be able to cope with social mobility, armed with the social skills that will help them flourish.
For teachers, assistants and support staff:
The issues around ‘race’, identity, citizenship and living together harmoniously in the UK today are serious matters. Engaging pupils in controversial but deeply relevant issues will excite and involve them while developing their thinking skills. This talk explores ways of making the topic of citizenship relevant in the classroom by focusing on questions such as:
- Do we, as individuals and as a nation, respect each other’s differences and
build on commonalities? - Do we appreciate our own and others’ distinct identities?
- Do we really have an understanding of what it is to be a citizen,
of how it is to live in the UK?
Workshops for children & young people:
Deborah’s workshops are interactive and tailored to the needs of young people. With cultural games and relevant discussions she engenders wonder and curiosity about difference, builds upon historical and world influences, and engages students in identifying different value-sets. Her workshops support young people in developing confident identities in contexts of cultural diversity.
The types of topics included in Deborah’s sessions vary according to presentation length but typically include:
- critical thinking about ethnicity, religion and race
- an explicit link to political issues and values
- Developing contemporary issues relating to citizenship
- Exploring the concept of Culture
- Understanding the British values of Individuality and Equality
- Comparing British social and work values with other nations
- Contextualised understanding that the UK is a ‘multinational’ state, made up of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
- Immigration
- Commonwealth and the legacy of Empire
- European union
- Other global issues outside of our immediate world, e.g. the global economy