North America: Top Ten Tips for Doing Business in both the US and Canada
Deborah Swallow | August 19th, 2009 in : General, North America, tips on doing business around the world
The United States and Canada are two very different countries.
However, they both value independence and action, and they are geared to highly-paced change. Achievement of personal goals, wealth and prestige are driving factors for them both. Canadians, however, are much more interested in substance and facts, and are serious of content and purpose. This is the French influence on them. Canadians view themselves as the ‘younger brother’ to the USA, but do NOT want to be mistaken for Americans. Canada is very multicultural with the immigrant population seeing themselves as Canadians first.
So far in this section you’ll find the Top Ten Tips for doing business in the US and Canada, along with opening times, holiday dates and festivities.
United States of America
- The American style is competitive and even aggressive. To them it is more important to win and be seen as a winner, than to appear conciliatory. Therefore match their style with a confident bearing, and be prepared to ‘cut to the chase’ without delay. This is the culture of ‘time is money’.
- Although their style is aggressive and abrasive, it should not be taken personally. Americans are paradoxically sensitive about personal abuse. Also, they are uncomfortable with the use of emotion in negotiations.
- Their style is direct and to the point, with sustained eye contact. They say what they mean and mean what they say. Don’t think of them as Anglo-Saxon, but rather as out-going Americans.
- American deals are all about the bottom-line – profitability. And quick results. They want a short pay-back time, and will take risks in line with that attitude.
- They will not hold on to declining fortunes. They make quick decisions to go in … and to get out.
- They will want everything confirmed in writing – and every proposal, too. Nothing is binding until both parties have signed their agreement.
- They are hot on detail, so contracts should be drawn up with a lawyer’s assistance. Americans will insist on contracts being carried out as agreed.
- When they show irritation or even anger during negotiations, it is not personal but related only to the matter being discussed.
- They are embarrassed but unimpressed by signs of vulnerability in negotiations, just like the Germans.
- They believe in winning, so let your first offer contain enough room for manoeuvre, and expect a hard bargaining session.
Public Holidays:
January 1 New Year’s Day
January 20 Inauguration Day (1)
January 3 Martin Luther King Jr Day
February 3 Presidents’ Day/Washington’s Birthday
May Memorial Day (Last Monday)
July 4 Independence Day
September 1 Labour Day
October 2 Columbus Day
November 11 Veterans’ Day
November 4 Thanksgiving Day
December 25 Christmas Day
Weekend Saturday and Sunday
Business Hours 8.30/9.00 – 5.00/6.00
Non-holiday Observances or celebrations:
January 20 Inauguration Day occurs each 4th year starting from 1965
February 2 Groundhog Day
February 14 Valentine’s Day
March 17 St Patrick’s Day
April 1 April Fools’ Day
June 14 Army Day
April 22 Earth Day
April Wednesday of last full week Administrative Professional’s Day
May 6 Nurses’ Day
May 1st Thursday National Day of Prayer
May 2nd Sunday Mothers’ Day
May 3rd Saturday Armed Forces Day
June 3rd Sunday Fathers’ Day
June 19 Liberation of Slaves
July 4th Sunday Parents’ Day
August 1 Air Force Day
August 4 Coast Guard Day
August 1st Sunday Friendship Day
September Sunday after Labour Day Grandparents’ Day
September 17 Citizenship Day or Constitution Day
October 2nd Sunday National Children’s Day
October 6 Bosses’ Day
October 3rd Saturday Sweetest Day
October 26 Mother-in-Law’s Day
October 27 Navy Day
October 31 Halloween
November 10 Marine Corps Day
December 7 Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
December 26-31 Kwanzaa
- Two different languages and two different cultural backgrounds; French and English. Business attitudes and behaviours differ between the Anglo-/Franco- parts of Canada.
- Business communication tends to be more formal in Ontario and Atlantic Canada than in Québec and the West. When dealing with French Canadians have all documents translated into French.
- Eye contact and smiles are very important.
- Business is not so quick paced as in the US
- You need to be clear, concise, and thorough in all your business dealings
- You will be respected for logical, well-argued positions. The Canadians are very analytical.
- They drive a hard bargain, but are not as ‘aggressive’ as their US counterparts.
- US-style efficiency and effectiveness dominate business, but this is overridden by long-term gains, not short-term results.
- Don’t use first names unless invited to do so. Canadians are quite formal.
- Don’t assume Canadians are like those from the US! They are more conservative, formal at the outset, and not such great risk takers
Public Holidays
January 1 New Year’s Day
March/April Good Friday/Easter Sunday/Easter Monday
May 19 Victoria Day
July 1 Canada Day
August first Monday, Civic or Provincial holidays
September 1 Labour Day
October 13 Thanksgiving
November 11 Remembrance Day
December 25 Christmas Day
December 26 Boxing Day
Weekend Saturday, Sunday
Business Hours 10.00-6.00

Tags: America, business advice, Canada, Canada top business tips, The United States, top business tips, United States