Cindy King Interviewing Deborah Swallow: blog post
Deborah Swallow | September 10th, 2009 in : about cross-culture, General, other interesting stuff
I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Cindy King a cross-cultural marketing expert living in France. As Twitter was our interview medium, I haved blogged our conversation for those who missed the ‘live’ performance.
‘Tweets’ are limited to 120 characters per post, so sometimes it’s a challenge to articulate what you think in so few words! In part one of the interview Cindy asked me about my background and this can be found on her site. Part two, as blogged below, is all about cross-cultural things.
CindyKing This is a Twitter interview with @DeborahSwallow – I’ll be tweeting with her for about 15-30 minutes #CKinterview
Please join in if you have any questions or comments for @DeborahSwallow #CKinterview
CindyKing Welcome to the second part of the Cross-Cultural Interview with @DeborahSwallow #ckinterview
CindyKing Hi Deborah, for those who don’t know you, can you please tell us something about yourself #ckinterview
Hi Cindy – great to talk to you and ‘Hello’ to everyone else out there joining in. I’m a professional business speaker and consultant on topic of cross-cultural communication in widest sense.
CindyKing After the 1st part of your interview I wonder if you’d share some tips & golden nuggets #ckinterview
DeborahSwallowYes, I’d be happy to #ckinterview
CindyKing First… What is your definition of culture in 120 characters? So… “Culture is…” #CKinterview
DeborahSwallow Culture is the HEARTWARE of the Soul and the SOFTWARE of the Mind
CindyKing Ohhh, I love that one!!! Now just for fun, let’s make it harder – “Culture is…” in one word only #CKinterview
DeborahSwallow a CODE
CindyKing Code! As a cross-cultural marketer I know this means you’ve folllowed Clotaire Rapaille’s work on the Culture Code 🙂
DeborahSwallow That’s right. But I think most people who work with languages realise its a code as well. #ckinterview
DeborahSwallow You often can’t translate concepts into different languages #ckinterview
CindyKing Along the same lines… Can you finish the sentence “International business is…” #CKinterview
DeborahSwallow much more complex than people realize. Trouble is, people ‘do’ it the way they do it at home! #ckinterview
CindyKing Do you have any cross-cultural tips on what to avoid in body language? #CKinterview
DeborahSwallow Avoid fiddling with your hair, nose, face in public – some cultures really find it very off-putting. All they see is how dirty your hands must be
CindyKing What is the one tip you would give people to improve their cross-cultural skills? #CKinterview
DeborahSwallow Understand that EVERYTHING in life is culturally coded from when we were very young. So we all think differently about things:
DeborahSwallow our meanings for things are deeply buried in our unconscious mind
DeborahSwallow what is a business for? how we think about our boss; what is luxury; quality; love; etc. Individualism in Far East seen as immaturity
CindyKingSome GREAT bits of advice! …And what one bit of advice would you give people interested in international business? #ckinterview
DeborahSwallow Do your market and cross-cultural research!
DeborahSwallow You have to find the cultural code for your product, service or business. You have to be ON CODE in your relationships.
CindyKingUnderstanding the “culture code” does seem to be the key, doesn’t it? #ckinterview
CindyKing With your experience as a cross-cultural speaker what other tip would you like to share? #CKinterview
DeborahSwallow As a speaker you have to learn how to ‘shape’ your message so your audience can assimilate, understand and accept it.
DeborahSwallow Examples: people have different reasoning styles, different listening patterns and want a different mix of fact and emotion
CindyKing I can really relate to “shaping” your message, even with the cross-cultural negotiations I’ve been in… #ckinterview
DeborahSwallowYes – cross-cultural negotiation skills are a whole different ball game – as the Yanks would say #ckinterview
CindyKingWhen it seems impossible to get your message across, you can usually find the solution in “shaping” it differently #ckinterview
CindyKing 3 more questions before I let you go… #CKinterview
CindyKing What is your favorite website for international or cross-cultural inspiration? This can be anything at all. #CKinterview
DeborahSwallow Anne Fox at and Centre for Intercultural Learning in Canada
Good for research at least: Geert Hofstede and then compare with other info on the internet
DeborahSwallow Fons Trompenaars very influential thinker on the subject. But not much free resource on the internet unlike Hofstede.
CindyKingThanks for sharing several! I know they are all great cross-cultural resources #ckinterview
CindyKing Can you suggest one other cross-cultural person to follow on Twitter? #CKinterview
DeborahSwallow if you’re interested in China: @ leslieforman
DeborahSwallow Anne Fox is an interesting lady so I’ve suggested she starts Tweeting about what she knows etc @foxdenuk
CindyKing Thanks – those are new to me, and I’m looking forward to hooking up with them 🙂 #ckinterview
CindyKing Can you suggest one other international person to follow on Twitter? #CKinterview
DeborahSwallow @CCTheLowdown it’s a publishing company that Tweets all sorts of interesting things – sometimes international. I assume it Tweets things about all its different authors
CindyKing Thanks so much for your time Deborah and… #CKinterview
DeborahSwallow My pleasure – thank you!
CindyKing I hope you will join the conversations on #CKinterview
DeborahSwallow Hope your followers will find our session useful. Bye for now and it’s been great hooking up #ckinterview
CindyKing You’re most welcome 🙂 It is great to be in touch on Twitter with cross-cultural experts like yourself #ckinterview

Tags: Cindy King, cross-cultural communication, cross-cultural differences, Deborah Swallow
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