The question of whether the Eurozone states
should shell out to help Greece has opened up critical new fault lines in Europe. Germany is taking a tough position by resisting giving help and even advocating that future bad debtors be kicked out of the single currency. How much of this is down to pure economics and how much is to do with cross-cultural differences?
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Each year on April 7th, the world recognises World Health Day. 
World Health Day marks the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) and is an opportunity to raise awareness of key global health issues and marks the importance of health for productive and happy lives. Every year there is a different theme to the day – this year’s focuses on urbanisation and health: with the campaign “1000 cities – 1000 lives”, events will be organized worldwide calling on cities to open up streets for health activities.
Member states of the UN have pledged to meet the Millennium Development Goals by the year 2015 to deuce child mortality, improve maternal health and combat HIV?AIDS, malaria and other diseases.
Easter is the most important festival in the Christian calendar. 
It is the commemoration of Jesus’s death and his rising from the dead, also known as the resurrection. It comes at the end of Lent. The week leading up to it is called Holy Week. Christianity tells us that Jesus was crucified on the cross and died on Good Friday. He was rose from the dead on Sunday, known as Easter Day. But, as the West has become more secular, for some, Easter has become a time to celebrate with chocolate Easter Eggs and little religious ceremony. Bunnies (baby rabbits) are a symbol of Easter. Eggs and bunnies are symbols left over from pagan celbrations of Spring.