World Tourism Day: 27th September
Deborah Swallow | September 27th, 2011 in : days of significance, General, other interesting stuff, The Middle East/Arab World
The UN World Tourism Association (UNWTO) established 27th September each year as World Tourism Day. Its aim is to raise awareness of the importance of tourism to the international community and its positive effect, socially and economically, on our society worldwide. The 2011 theme is ‘Tourism linking cultures’, with Yemen hosting celebrations. As we travel, let us engage with other cultures and celebrate human diversity.
The timing of World Tourism Day is particularly appropriate in that it comes at the end of the high season in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of the season in the southern hemisphere, when tourism is of major interest to thousands of people worldwide.
Each year, a theme is chosen for the day and a country picked to host the main celebrations. The 2011 theme is ‘Tourism linking cultures’, with Yemen hosting celebrations. The event seeks to address global challenges outlined in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Each year, UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon chairs the day and delivers a message to mark the occasion.
This year, Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon has issued the following message:
The theme of this year’s World Tourism Day, “Tourism – linking cultures”, highlights the powerful role of tourism in building international understanding and mutual respect….
World Tourism Day is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of tourism to global well-being. As we travel, let us engage with other cultures and celebrate human diversity. On this observance day, let us recognize tourism as a force for a more tolerant, open and united world.
How can I celebrate World Tourism Day this year?
Different types of competitions, such as photo competitions promoting tourism, as well as tourism award presentations in areas such as eco tourism, are held on World Tourism Day. Other activities include free entries, discounts or special offers for the general public to any site of tourism interest.
Additionally, some governments, as tourism business representatives, may make public announcements or offer special tours or fares to promote both their region and World Tourism Day on or around September 27.

Tags: linking cultures, World Tourism Day, Yemen