Global Entrepreneurship Week: 14-20 November
Deborah Swallow | November 14th, 2011 in : days of significance, General
With nearly one million young people unemployed in the UK
(in the North East of England 47% of young people are unemployed) and not much hope of that changing quickly, we need to encourage young people to think differently about how they earn their money. With the slogan “Starting Tomorrow’s Business Today” the Global Entrepreneurship Week begins today. Every business starts with a conversation, so start talking with young people today about their entrepreneurship dreams and get those conversations turned into actions! Only 1 in 20 young people start their own business in the UK – even though more than half of them want to. Global Entrepreneurship Week is about turning a dream into something that is achievable.
Youth Business International (YBI) has been awarded the right to run the national Global Entrepreneurship Week campaign, following a competitive tender by Enterprise UK. Youth Business International is a global network founded by HRH The Prince of Wales that supports thousands of entrepreneurs around the world, and will use the campaign to encourage more people to start their own business in the UK.
“As one of the world‟s largest networks dedicated to helping young entrepreneurs create their own business, we are delighted to be the new national host for Global Entrepreneurship Week in the UK,” said Andrew Devenport, Chief Executive of Youth Business International.