World Teachers’ Day – October 5th
guest | October 5th, 2012 in : cultural intelligence, days of significance, General, working internationally
“Take a stand for teachers!” is the slogan for this year’s World Teachers’ Day.

1.7 million teachers are needed for 2015
The aim of the day is to mobilize support for teachers world wide. Taking a stand for the teaching profession means providing adequate training, ongoing professional development, and protection for teachers’ rights.
A quality education offers hope and the promise of a better standard of living across the globe. There can be no quality education without competent and motivated teachers, however, which is why World Teachers’ Day aims to recognize the great efforts of teachers world wide.
According to a recent United Nations publication, 1.7 million more teachers are needed to achieve universal primary education by 2015.
This year, various agencies in the UN gave a joint statement calling on governments to provide adequate training, fair salaries that reflect on the growing importance of teachers. The statement says:
“On this day, we call for the creation of supportive teaching environments, adequate teacher training and safeguards for the rights of teachers. We must break the vicious cycle of declining professional conditions for teachers in order to improve the quality of learning for all. The world expects a lot from teachers – they, in turn, are right to expect as much from us.”
Read more about the World Teachers’ Day from the UNESCO site.

Tags: education, UN, UNESCO, World Teachers' Day